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How We Operate

-We are a member-driven, board-accountable organization. The Board of Directors will oversee and work closely with the leadership team and members.

-We believe members should have input on leadership, significant proposed changes, and other core items.

-We are member-led, and all who participate are asked to help share the load. We offer three class periods each co-op day and ask that each parent help teach during two of these three periods. Their third period is then free unless they are on the rotating sub-list that week.

-We will send out frequent surveys with proposed ideas and host regular member meetings to ensure your voice is heard.

-Not a church. We are a multi-denominational organization. We recognize the role of parents in teaching their specific beliefs to their children.

-Not a school. While lots of fun and learning will occur, we are not meant to replace, instead, to enhance your regular homeschool program.

-Classes offered are based on minimum skills, with a recommended age/grade. The first two weeks will act as a trial to make sure it is a great fit for your student. We want to provide flexibility in choosing classes that are best suited for each student

-Membership fees are determined per session (3 terms), covers the whole family and is due 2 weeks before the session starts in the Fall.  Some individual classes may have an extra fee to help pay for supplies and materials. We try to offer a non-fee class during each period as well.

-We ask every family to abide by our core values and statement of faith. It is not required that you believe them personally. All are welcome to be members.

-We believe in good stewardship. Children will be required (based on ability) to help take care of the facility. We encourage Teen leadership to help oversee many of those duties and teach in classes when they qualify as ready. This is their co-op, and we want them to take ownership as they learn to be the leaders we are training them to be.

-To ensure every child’s needs can be met, and for the fluid running of daily operations, we ask that each mom be a teacher or a helper during 2 class periods. Please let us know if you are unable to meet this requirement. We want to assist you as best we can.

Classes run 9:30 am-12:40 pm with lunch and Fellowship 12:45-1:15 pm

-Forging Paths Co-op strives to offer classes for everyone! We are excited to offer a wide range of teaching methods and unique courses that will help meet the needs of our homeschool community.

Options may include:
Academic classes - Anatomy and Physiology, Literature, History, Debate, Dictionary Race, Spelling Bee, etc.
Enrichment classes - Baking, Sewing, Robotics, Art, Building Blocks, LEGO, Yearbook, Worship, Drama/Skits, Book Club, Worship Team

-Our classes are geared toward age/grade ranges but are not firm. We recognize parents know their students' skill levels and can assess what is the best fit. Please read class descriptions to assess what will be expected and what is the best fit for your student. We desire to help your students learn, grow, and foster friendships with their peers. There are a few classes that have a firm age restriction based on teacher requests.

Extra-Curricular Activities

We provide many enrichment opportunities beyond the Co-op classroom. Some of these activities may include field trips, service projects, Junior High and High School get-togethers, park days for elementary students, missionary sponsorship, Mom’s Night Out, Presentation Nights, Art Night, fundraisers, worship band, yearbook, and more. Extra-curricular events sponsored by Forging Paths are subject to the policies and approval of Co-op.

2024 - 2025 Board

Board Members will be posted soon.