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General Guidlines

Forging Paths Homeschool Co-op is an all-volunteer cooperative. All member families understand that they must do their part to help FPHSC succeed.

Be a parent of a homeschooling family. We consider a family to be homeschooling if the majority of the educational instruction takes place at home, either by or under the direct supervision of the student's parents.

Have at least one child who is Preschool age or older.

Successfully complete a background check every three years.

Read and agree to abide by the Statement of Faith, this Membership Handbook, and all other co-op policies listed on the website.

Teach or assist 2 out of the 3 periods each week. The third period is a free period unless that parent is on the rotating sub list. For more details please see Teacher Expectations.

While optional, parents are strongly encouraged to volunteer at presentation nights. Volunteer commitments at these events are usually minimal and designed to allow you time with your families. If we all pitch in the load is light.

Forging Paths is not a drop-off program. If your children are at co-op you are expected to be present in the classes you teach.

Class Registration

Students: All students should be registered in one class each period. Class availability is on a first-come, first-serve basis. If a class is full, please place your student on the waitlist for the desired class before registering for the alternative class. If a space becomes available, someone will contact you to determine your student's placement.

Class registration is handled through the Forging Paths website. Emails are sent out before registration opens and open at the same time for all students with a few exceptions.

To help with security and continuity, all students are expected to attend every class they are registered in for the entire term.

Teachers: Parents are expected to teach, assist, sub or help wherever necessary each week. Some classes will require 2 adults, 1 teacher, 1 assistant while others, depending on age may only require 1 adult.

Details about teacher expectations can be found under Teacher Expectations. This section defines how parents select the classes they teach and happens in the following order:

When a parent suggests a class, that parent agrees to teach the class. When the schedule is created, those classes are automatically assigned.

  1. Any parent with a child ages 1 through 4 is assigned to teach a minimum of one period within this age group unless two of their suggested classes are on the schedule for the older students.
  2. At class suggestion time, parents can also request their co-teacher. If the schedule allows, that co-teacher is assigned to be in the requested class.
  3. The board picks their classes to teach unless they have already been assigned two classes.
  4. Any parent who is not automatically assigned into two classes will need to sign up for classes during open teacher registration. Open teacher registration is first come/first serve and chosen at least 2 weeks prior to the following term. A draft of the schedule will be released on the website at least one (1) day before open teacher registration

Cancelation of a meeting day

We make every attempt to have co-op for all our scheduled meeting days. In the event that co-op is canceled due to illness, bad weather, or a conflict at our host facility, no refunds or credits will be given.

  • Co-op will be canceled if more than 50% of our members have requested substitutes, whether for illness or other reasons.
  • Co-op may be canceled in the case of bad weather. We will determine this based on the amount of snow received and/or expected overnight, expected road conditions, and the state of the church's parking lot. We will also consider what the surrounding school districts are doing.
  • If we have more than 50% of our families attending but are unable to find substitutes for all of the classes, we will have a modified game day.