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Class Selection Process

Class Selection Process

Class selection time at Forging Paths is a wonderful time when families get a chance to influence the classes that appear on the next semester's schedule. 

Class Suggestions

 Partway through each term, class suggestions are opened.  An email will be sent and posted on the forum to start considering what you might want to teach and start making class suggestions. Suggest a class by filling out the Class Description Sheet found under Class Info on the website.

We ask all families to suggest at least one class they'd like to teach the following term. This isn't a guarantee it will end up on the schedule, but a class will not end up on the schedule unless it is suggested on this form.

 This is an important step, and we like to include kids as much as possible in the brainstorming process. We ask that parents ask their kids what they would like to take, especially in our teen classes, as sometimes parents have a different idea of what would be enjoyable than the kids. Also, many of our best classes have been suggested by students. The parent decided to suggest that class on behalf of their child and learn as they planned lessons.

A deadline for class suggestions will be posted. Once the deadline closes a schedule will be put together.

Schedule Release

After the schedule is finalized, it will be uploaded to the website. We try to have all this done 2 weeks prior to the end of the term so parents can pick their teaching classes prior to the start of the next term. This keeps the fluidity of the operations for the year as a whole. Maintaining smooth transitions from term to term.