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Substitute Procedure

Substitute Procedure

When you need a sub: Please begin coordinating a substitute as soon as you know you won’t be in attendance.

  1. Contact your co-teacher to let them know you’ll be absent as soon as you know.
    • Arrange any transfer of supplies/lesson plans.
  2. Arrange any transfer of supplies/lesson plans.
  3. Post in the Sub forum for each period you’ll need a sub on the website.
    • Please do not create a brand-new thread; this causes confusion and missed sub requests.
    • Leave a specific class name. We have several classes that are similar in name or subject, so simply saying “second period art” may not be enough.

Sub Roster:

  • A new sub roster will be posted Monday mornings showing who will be subbing. You’ll be expected to check your email or the forum by Monday evenings to know if your name is on the list to sub
  • On Tuesday mornings you’ll find the sub roster posted by the check-in table. Please check the list each Tuesday morning. If you’re up to sub put a check mark next to your name to show that you’re aware of the class you’ll be subbing in.

Last minute sub needs:

  • If you need a sub on Tuesday morning, please text the Director. Their number can be found in our members-only online directory and in the Sub Request threads in the Sub forum.
  • If your family needs to leave co-op early for any reason please let the Hall Monitor know. They will find someone to cover any classes you have left to teach.

What's expected of you as a sub?

  • Help the remaining co-teacher run the class.
  • When both class teachers are out the substitute coordinator will send both subs a sub lesson plan that was provided by the regular teachers.
  • Board games and organized free play are also acceptable as appropriate for the ages and interests of the class so feel free to bring a game or two if you know you are in a class with another sub.

How the sub list works:

Each week the Academic coordinator will annotate their master list as to who was used and move them to the bottom of the list. Any subs not used will remain in line for the following week with more names added from the top of the list. Please understand that some weeks we have more illnesses or people away and you may be asked to sub more than one week in a row. We appreciate your understanding and willingness when this occurs.