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Snacks and Food During Co-op

Snacks and Food During Co-Op

· Snacks are not provided during co-op class periods. If a child needs a snack it is up to the parents to provide that

· This excludes classes that are specifically designed around food.

· If you would like to include food as a part of your class or lesson, please double-check with leadership at least one week in advance.

· Sometimes our classes are centered around food or occasionally have food during a lesson. We do not expect teachers, parents, or anyone else to provide for each child's allergies, sensitives, preferences, or other dietary needs. We may consider a “No nut policy”, but if there are needs beyond that, the child's parent is responsible for communicating with the co-teachers and providing their own acceptable alternative if desired.

· Water bottles are highly encouraged for children.

Families are encouraged to bring a lunch for each child. We will have fellowship and lunch after classes.