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Supplies List

  • All ages
    • a lunch for afterward
    • 1 pack of printer paper (1 per family)
    • a backpack to carry their supplies and anything they make during their classes
    • a water bottle with the child’s name on i
  • ages 1 through 4
    • jacket
    • glue sticks
    • crayons
    • age-appropriate scissors (3 and 4 year olds only)
    • a change of clothes and diaper/wipes as needed, as well as a bag to hold any soiled or wet clothing
    • snacks for your child
  • ages 5/6 and 7/8
    • crayons and/or colored pencils
    • glue stick
    • age-appropriate scissors
    • pencil (and eraser if the pencil does not have one)
  • ages 9 and up
    • glue (liquid or stick)
    • notebook/binder or paper to write on
    • scissors
    • colored pencils
    • eraser
    • handheld pencil sharpener
    • 2 pencils OR a mechanical pencil with extra lead