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Teacher Expectations

Teacher Expectations:

  • Teachers are expected to teach or be a helper in 2 out of 3 class periods. The third period is their off period where they can fellowship but must remain in the building.
  • When we have teacher absences, those on their off period may be asked to sub. Please refer to the substitute policy for those expectations.
  • A teacher will work with his/her co-teacher/helper to plan and design the class. You are expected to:
  1. Create a lesson plan or idea for a 50-minute class. This can be done well in advance or the week prior but shouldn't be planned the day of class.
    • Each teaching pair should turn in a substitute lesson plan no later than 7 days prior to the start of the term for all classes.
  2. Gather all needed supplies.
    • The co-op has an art bin and can provide other small supplies if requested and approved by the treasurer.
    • Often a teacher will bring in non-consumable or some extra consumable supplies from her own home. Unless prior approval is given, no supplies will be reimbursed by the co-op.
    • Any supplies brought in from home should be taken back home with you. We do not have storage for individual class supplies.
    • Make sure all copying/printing is done before your class starts. We have access to a copy machine. The line before first period may sometimes be long so please give preference to the 1st period teachers if making copies before co-op begins.
  3. Teach the class in a way that is engaging and interesting to the students.
    • We know that most of you are not trained teachers so it may take time to learn how to teach a class. It often sounds harder to teach a class than it actually is! If you need help or ideas, please talk to your co-teacher, if she is a veteran mom, or someone on the board. We are here to help you!
    • Sometimes we have a teacher who has expertise in the subject of the class and wants to do all the teaching and/or planning. Find out how you can best help them so their expertise can shine without them burning out.
    • We want to prevent burnout so please plan on co-teaching and not just showing up to help.
    • Share the load with your co-teacher.
  4.  Be prepared to plan and teach the class. If your co-teacher is absent you will have a sub to help you during class.

*If teaching 1st period, arrive at least 10 minutes before co-op begins so you can set up your classroom and be ready to start after the opening.