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Guiding Principles

Purpose: Forging Paths Homeschool Co-op is to assist families in raising God-honoring, independent thinkers, and life-long lovers of learning.

-Provide a safe place for children to discover, explore, make choices, experiment, think, create, and identify the gifts God has given them.

-Provide the children with the opportunity to function in a group setting, practice their leadership and mentoring skills, and ignite the passion of discovery under adult leadership.

-Provide educational experiences that are not easily created in a home setting and to provide an opportunity for families to fellowship and support each other in the Lord.

Guiding Principles of the Forging Paths Homeschool Co-op Ministry

-We are a network of families united in our love for Christ and our calling to home-educate our children.

-We are not a Church, however we are a ministry. We cannot replace the function of a local church body.

-We are comprised of families from various denominations and backgrounds. We focus on common views rather than differences.

-We are not a school. Co-op is designed to enhance rather than replace a family’s home education program.

-We do not judge differing philosophies of education, curriculum, support mechanisms, etc. held by individual families. We entrust these decisions to each family, providing support and guidance when & where we can.

-We purpose to encourage both short-term and long-term home educators.

-We reject divisiveness and subtle forms of disunity such as gossip and judgment. We do not expect all Co-op members to act, think, look, or perform identically.

-Each family is expected to be self-governing. We do not desire to control or manage families.

-Our policies and rules are to create an environment of safety, respect, and order. We entrust each parent to cheerfully supervise their children accordingly.

-We function as a cooperative effort. As such, each family should be motivated by love to serve the Co-op and each other diligently and cheerfully.

-We are called to serve one another with our individual gifts and talents humbly. When invited, we will share our opinions and expertise without seeking glory or position. We are to be motivated by love rather than self-importance.

-We are relationship-driven.

-We will not usurp parental authority by weakening the bond between parent and child. We are mindful that this weakening can take many subtle forms such as, “You can confide in me,” or criticism of parent to child, or craving the attention of particular co-op members, etc.

-We acknowledge that we all have limitations, weaknesses, and blind spots. We strive to build others up rather than tearing them down.

-Co-op leadership is a volunteer effort. We are motivated by faith to serve Christ and by a love for His body. We are ever-growing, ever-striving, and we welcome insights, corrections, and suggestions, packaged in love and gentleness.

-We purpose to come alongside families with encouragement and love in the midst of a crisis without being drawn into a crisis that is preventable and avoidable.

-We will make every effort to live at peace with one another.

-We are called to excellence in accordance with God’s purposes.

-We recognize our greatest ministry is through Word and deed to the children placed into our care. To the best of our ability, ALL decisions are made for the best interests of the children.

Principles of Education

Some worthy theories and philosophies assist in the calling of home education. Some rely heavily on the philosophies of Charlotte Mason and components of a Christian Classical Education; however, Forging Paths Co-op is not limited to these theories. Volunteer teachers are free to pool from their own experiences, theories, and curriculums, as long as the Lord is glorified in the classroom and all instruction is in keeping with the Statement of Faith and a biblical worldview. Classroom content is subject to final approval by the Co-op leadership.