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Student Expectations

Student Expectations:

  • Students will attend classes for their appropriate age/grade group.

· Our age group cutoff for classes is October 1 of the current school year. Students who have a birthday between October 1 and the start of the spring term will remain with the same age group for the spring term. They will move up to the next age group the following fall.

· For safety and security reasons, each student needs to attend a class each period and cannot choose to sit out of one period just because they don't like the class or the teacher.

· If there is a genuine concern with one of the teachers or the subject matter being taught, please talk to the Director.

· We understand that some little ones like or need to be with their mom more often. This is completely understandable and acceptable for anyone aged 4 and below and/or special needs.

· All students in a school-aged class (ages 5 and up) should be able to mostly attend class on their own.

· If a school-aged child needs their parent at any time during the morning, the hall monitor can assist the child in finding their parent. If this happens frequently, we will work with you and your child to help them transition into class.

· Students are welcome to bring a small comfort item from home as long as it does not become a distraction during class time.

  • Students will maintain proper attitudes during class and be respectful of the teachers and other students.

· If there is an issue, please refer to the discipline policy for further details.

Special needs/accommodations

· If a child needs accommodations in a class for any reason, it is important to communicate those with the director or class coordinator BEFORE registering for classes. Once registration has begun it is more difficult to create reasonable accommodations.

· We will do the very best we can to accommodate your child's needs, but we are all volunteer homeschooling parents and do have our limits.

· Please communicate the needed accommodations so we can discuss if the accommodations can be met in a reasonable way.

Because we're all parents and doing the best we can for our kids, most co-teachers are willing to adapt and adjust for each child providing it doesn't take away from other children.

Accommodations may or may not include:

· Ensuring the parent is a co-teacher in the child's classes. The parent will be expected to be a full co-teacher and not just a 1:1 assistant for their child.

· Reregistering a child into a specific class due to incompatibility with the alternate class.

· Discussing suggested accommodations with the co-teachers of a class to see if they can be met within each class setting.

· Including the child in some activities and allowing them to sit quietly on the side for others.

· Aging a child down by one age group to where all classes may be more appropriate.